
Because we could all use a little more balance in our lives!

At Balancing Charlotte, we believe that we should all be empowered with the basic knowledge of techniques to help us recover or maintain the balance in our lives.  We do that by offering classes in Touch for Health and other Kinesiology courses that teach you how to care for yourself and others in a holistic way.

Touch for Health™, focuses on the whole person and assists in the achievement of better health by balancing the posture, vital energies and improving harmony in lives. We help people  become more aware of their holistic nature and its effects upon their health.  Learning Touch for Health allows you to take charge of your own health. In addition, being able to help family, friends and coworkers gain additional control over their health is highly rewarding

Touch for Health™ believes the body is always attempting to reach homeostasis and balance on its own.  If we can assist the body by using natural and non-invasive techniques, then it is one of the safest and most beneficial ways to improve our wellness and overall health.

Touch for Health has been safely used since 1973 in over 100 countries of the world and the Touch for Health book has been translated into over a dozen languages.

We concentrate on preventive health, elimination or repatterning the effects of stress and trauma, and on helping the person focus on a healthy future while balancing the flow of the vital energies.


Upon successful completion of each Touch For Health Synthesis course, students receive a certificate from the International Kinesiology College.

Professional Continuing Education credits (CEU) are recognized for Massage Therapist, Acupuncturists  and Registered Nurses.  Check with your state board of nursing to see if they accept credits approved by a State Board of Nursing.  Note- CEUs only available for Touch for Health classes, not all classes.



Classes are being offered in person again! 

Class list -scroll down for more information about each class

Intro to Touch for Health

Top Ten Pain Releasers level 1-  

Top 10 Pain Releasers level 2

Touch for Health level 1-  class March 29-30, 2025 or May 24-25, 2025

Touch for Health level 2-  class April 26-27, 2025 or June 21-22, 2025

Touch for Health level 3-  class Sept 20-21, 2025

Touch for Health level 4- class Sept 22-23, 2025

SPM 101 Stress Release Made Easy- March 28, 2025

SPM 102 Your DNA is not your Destiny

SPM 103  Tibetan Energy and Vitality

EMS 201 Mastery of Emotional Stress Release

Crossover class is the entry into the Professional Kinesiology Practitioner program (after completing Touch for Health levels 1-4)

BKP 106-110 only available to those enrolled in the Professional Kinesiology Program and have completed Touch for Health 1-4 and the Crossover class

BKP 106– PKP finger Modes, balancing Protocol, basic database, and active listening

BKP 107– Many pain reduction techniques, assessment and contra-indications

BKP 108-Diet Awareness, food combining and rotation, biogenic foods and history

BKP 109-Reactivity, posture, muscles stretch, sustained muscle use, contralaterals

BKP 110

Stress and Pain Management Certification Program includes all of the following:

Touch for Health 1-4, Crossover, BKP 106, BKP 107, RBT 201, SPM 102, SPM 103, and EMS 201

Touch for Health Vision

by John Thie, DC, founder of the Touch for Health system

“The methods we are presenting in this book are not intended as a panacea for all health problems.  They are not an attempt to keep people away from doctors, drugs, or surgery when they are actually needed.  It is an attempt to prevent needless surgery and medications that is given for the sole reason that patients demand “something must be done” to treat their symptoms. This is an attempt to lower the cost of healthcare for individuals as well as society.  The ever increasing cost, sometimes questionable effectiveness of drugs and surgery, and their dangerous complications and side effects meant that we all need to learn to do more to take care of ourselves.

My original vision as a health professional was to be able to train my patients to be able to help themselves to improve their awareness and participation in their own experience of health, guiding them to naturally support the creation of Wellness in their lives as an alternative to unnecessary and dangerous drugs and surgery.  I developed a simple program of posture and subtle energies through dialogue muscle testing and touch reflexes, that can be used without any previous training.  I wanted to help people to be more aware of their bodies and their miraculous natural capacity to regenerate, adapt and create new experiences and joy.”

Once people understand that the is always HOPE, no matter what their age or physical condition, all that is needed is a pair of loving hands to improve the quality of life.  We do not accept a diagnosis as an absolute determination of the quality of life.  Nor do we accept the idea that a lack of diagnosis or physical cause of symptoms means “there is nothing that can be done.” We cannot believe that we are meant to “just live with” pain and suffering. Ongoing, unexplained pain or symptoms are joykillers that can severely interfere with our wellness. Pain is a messenger that warns us that something is out of balance, and if we just shoot the messenger with painkillers, or simply learn to ignore the warnings, it can lead to major malfunctions and disease.

Taken from Touch for Health, the Complete Edition, 2005, p. Vi, and viii

(If your work is full time ministry please contact me for a discounted rate)

Intro to Touch for Health  $75

This class is a great introduction for those that have had no exposure to Kinesiology or want a gentle introduction to Touch for Health techniques. It is a four hour class that offers simple techniques that you can use on yourself or others and usually see immediate results. Eligible for 4 Contact hours

Top Ten Pain Releasers Part 1   $195

Top Ten Pain Releasers Part I is a fun and powerful workshop that will introduce you to a wide variety of simple and highly effective techniques for relieving stress and pain. Quality muscle testing will be taught along with many skills from Touch for Health kinesiology, polarity, acupressure reflexes, and energy healing. Techniques include auricular massage, meridian tracing, neurovascular emotional balancing, specific neuromuscular reset technique, neurolymphatic massage and the Brazilian Toe Massage.  Eligible for 8 Contact hours

Next class:  

Touch for Health level 1  $375

Touch For Health 1: This level introduces the concept of energy in the body, the relationship of muscles to meridians, and how to evaluate energy flow through muscle testing. A number of techniques are taught for balancing the basic 14 muscle. Those included are neurolymphatics, neurovasculars, spinal reflexes, meridian tracing, origin-insertion, food and Emotional Stress Release (ESR). Students learn how to balance someone who cannot be tested through surrogate testing, plus techniques to enhance coordination and balance, identify and correct visual movement stress, neurological disorganization (switching) and simple pain relief techniques.  Eligible for 15 Contact hours

Next class: March 29-30, 2025 or May 24-25, 2025

Touch for Health level 2  $375

Touch for Health II builds on the skills taught in level 1. Learn 14 new muscle tests and additional corrections especially helpful for back pain, strengthening the core muscles, assessing the legs and neck. The Five Elements theory and Midday/Midnight law from acupuncture will be applied through a process for muscle and meridian corrections. Three self balancing techniques will be taught along with other pain control skills and short cuts to improve efficiency.  Eligible for 15 Contact hours

  1. Next class: April 26-27, 2025 or June 21-22, 2025

Touch for Health level 3  $375

Touch for Health III goes more in depth with the application of the Five Elements Theory in balancing skills using color and emotions. You will experience how balancing with goals and emotions brings results that are much deeper and longer lasting. Another 14 additional muscles are taught, along with pain tapping, gait testing and acupressure holding points. Chronic muscle problems will be addressed by the Reactive Muscle correction that clears long-standing patterns quickly and permanently in most cases.  Eligible for 15 Contact hours

Next class:  Sept 20-21, 2025

Touch for Health level 4  $375

Touch for Health IV This course reviews the 42 muscle balance expanding how to test all muscles both standing and laying. Learn the Tibetan Figure 8 Energy technique and also how to effectively release traumatic muscle memory through the postural stress release method. You will also be shown how to prioritize and utilize all the skills in the TFH system in an easy, practical format.  Eligible for 15 Contact hours

Next class: Sept  22-23, 2025

Stress Release Made Easy  $195

What is stress, and how does the body respond to it? Understanding this will help you to enable your clients and patients to manage their stress, recharge their energy and recover more quickly from illness and injury.
These simple and powerful techniques show you how to recognize the warning signs of stress, tailor stress management approaches for different clients, increase tolerance of and resistance to stress, and manage stress effectively in everyday life.
Some of techniques covered in this workshop are:

  • Emotional stress release (ESR)
  • Accurate muscle testing
  • Emotional balancing with affirmations
  • Alarm points
  • Meridians and emotions – positive and negative
  • Using affirmations with muscle testing
  • Breathing and stress management
  • Exercise and stress management
  • Nutrition for stress management, health, energy, and vitality
  • Wholefood Supplements for stress management, health, energy, and vitality
  • Long-term stress management
  • Humor and stress management

Next class: March 28, 2025

Courses require a minimum of 4 people. Your registration will place you on the roster for a class. A deposit of $75 is due 14 days prior to class.

Refund policy: Your prepayment or deposit is transferable to another course within the same calendar year, with a 7 day notification prior to the class date.

Contact me for any policies that create a hardship for you.

Our classes will be held at

7121 US Hwy 601 S

Concord, NC 28025



Register for a Class


$ 0.00
Price: $ 0.00